“Sa Vidya Tanmatiryaya”
The Emblem of Kripalu Balika Intermediate College signifies ‘Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharaj’, the patron of the Organisation.

This emblem itself depicts the importance of education according to the Vedic scriptures. The words ‘Sa Vidya Tanmatiryaya’ gives a complete message of Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharaj regarding education. India has always been at the highest seat of learning because of its spiritual treasure  form of the Vedas. Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharaj is the very image of this wisdom and His picture in the emblem represents the same. Moreover it is due to his infinite grace, this Institute not only exists but provides the best facilities, amenities and education possible.
The motto of KBIC - “Sa Vidya Tanmatiryaya” is a verse from the Holy Hindu Scriptures - ‘Bhagwat’. It is the 49th verse, of the 29th chapter, of the 4th part of the Bhagwat. It means ‘that alone is knowledge which leads to devotion to God’


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